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Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!
Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!

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Mark Schneider - September 10, 2020

Hi Errington,

There is no known “cure” for Venous Leakage but The Elator is a great option. The Elator is basically a slint that will keep you extended so you can still penetrate. You can attach The Elator when erect and then when leakage occurs the shaft will keep you ridgid.

Errington Whittaker - September 10, 2020

is the elator a cure for penile leakage?

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