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Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!
Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!

It is really a magic stick! Thanks a lot for this wonderful product!

 "After receiving my Elator I used some days to be familiar with it. The Elator is very easy to handle, easy to attach and easy to take off. Wearing the Elator is comfortable, even for up to a couple of hours. Now I was ready to use my Elator "in action". If I told my wife about it I was afraid she was going to refuse. So I decided not to tell her. One evening when we were going to try to have sex I took my blue pill in advance. It uses to be enough to give an erection but often only for a short while due to my problems with Venus leakage. After a minute or two I felt that I was starting to go soft. I told my wife I had to go to the bathroom to put on a penis ring. A penis ring use to help a little to keep the hardness and reduce the outflow of blood from the penis. But I did not put on a penis ring! I put on my Elator! In less than a minute I was back in bed. It was a wonderful feeling to be strong and hard enough to go on with good sex. I managed to give my wife "a double" before I finished myself. My wife had not felt or noticed that I had used an extra device! A few nights later we had sex again, with the same success! Now my wife knows about my Elator and we both love it. It is really a magic stick! Thanks a lot for this wonderful product!"

K.G.B.  -  Sweden
Previous article It is a most incredible experience to have the feelings I thought would never happen again

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