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Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!
Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!

Both my wife and I think it’s an amazing product and well worth the cost.

I was diagnosed with diabetes over 10 years ago. I didn’t really think much about it at the time or how it, and the medication prescribed, would affect me physically. Over time I realized I was having a difficult time getting and retaining an erection. I could feel everything, but the stiffness wouldn’t stay. After talking with my primary Dr. and my urologist, I was told I had ED.


I ended up taking “Erection Meds” to help with the issue. It helped for a while, but still never really got a full erection. Worse, it would make my heart pound to the point my wife could hear it during and after sex. When I told my urologist about this he said to cut back on the meds. He also said if it doesn’t help, there are a few other things to try. I tried using a pump and ring, but that kind of hurt. Plus, by the time I did all that, it was so uncomfortable I didn’t much feel like having sex. I tried using “erection” toys, different devices to stimulate the penis, but I would get about the same effect, semi-hard and lose the erection during sex.


All the while I am trying to figure out why this was happening, it was very emotionally draining for both me and my wife. We worked together to figure things out. Changing what I eat, taking vitamins, trying to build my health up. I was feeling better than I had in years, but it still did not help with the ED. 


Talking with my urologist, he said there were a few more things we could do before talking about surgery. A penis sleeve was one of the things he suggested. Shots also came up, but the thought of getting shots just did not sound appealing. The penis sleeve sounded much better so decided to investigate that. As I was looking for websites that had information about sleeves, I came across a site that showed some of the “Best ED products” currently on the market. I figured they were just an ad site but looked anyway. Turned out they were talking about different products they found people had used and reviewed. The Elator was one of the products they showed and reviewed.


I went to the site and read everything about the product. I looked at people’s testimonies and watched the videos on how it worked before showing my wife. We talked about it for a few days before I ordered the information kit. Even after getting the information kit, I still was not sure if it was worth the price. At one point I even called customer service to ask questions and ended up talking with Mark Schneider, the Owner of the company. We talked for quite a while, he never pushed any sales pitch, he answered my questions and explained some of the things the company was doing. We figured since we had spent a lot of money on other things that did little to nothing, this might be worth a try. With my wife’s blessing, I ordered the product with no reservations.


We started using it and the first thing I noticed was I could feel everything, no need for any stimulants. It took a little while to get the hang of putting it on, but it didn’t matter because I didn’t have to worry about losing my erection. That’s what the Elator does, it keeps you erect. We have been using the Elator for just about a year and I no longer need to take any of the erection meds. Both my wife and I think it’s an amazing product and well worth the cost. I wish I had found out about it earlier; it would have saved us both from a lot of frustration and stress.

Kirk B - Texas

Previous article The good news is that this is the first product that actually worked for me!

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