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Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!
Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!

I am 79 years old and could not receive an erection anymore

 "I am 79 years old and could not receive an erection anymore. I tried several methods, pills, rings, and pumps and non worked. I ran across the advertisement for the elator and they sent me a measuring kit then I called Mark and ordered the elator and recieved it within 3 days! It fits naturally and it was easy to install. My wife has not been in good health for a while and I have not used it on her yet, but as soon as she feels better I'll feel like I am 50 again ready to go. I recommend the elator to anyone that has a problem like me and to hurry with no delay and order yourself an elator today! Thanks to the people that made me feel whole again with the elator."

Previous article This product has been a game changer and a big stress reliever!

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