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Seit 2009 in San Diego, Kalifornien, von Hand gefertigt • Maßgeschneidert nach Ihrer Größe für nur 298 $ • 99 % aller Bestellungen werden innerhalb von 24 Stunden versendet!
Seit 2009 in San Diego, Kalifornien, von Hand gefertigt • Maßgeschneidert nach Ihrer Größe für nur 298 $ • 99 % aller Bestellungen werden innerhalb von 24 Stunden versendet!

We are both in our 60’s but with the Elator we feel like teens again.

I have suffered with ED for years. I could get an erection but it wasn’t strong and wouldn’t last. Out of desperation I tried pills and eventually the shots with no success. I had given up. My fiancé searched the internet for something that could possibly help and came across an advertisement for the Elator. She showed me the videos and asked me to give it a try. After suffering many disappointments I didn’t want to try it. She wouldn’t give up and talked me into purchasing one. I was still very skeptical, even doubting it would work when we received the kit with the measuring tools. When my custom made Elator arrived I was still skeptical. Boy was I wrong! We both LOVE it. It has revitalized our love life. It’s very simple to put on and she doesn’t feel it when it’s on. We are both in our 60’s but with the Elator we feel like teens again. We are definitely satisfied customers. We are thinking about buying a second one as a spare.

Ben F - Jacksonville, FL

Vorheriger Artikel My wife and I only wish we found The Elator sooner
Nächster Artikel Ich würde den Elator jedem empfehlen, der mit ED zu kämpfen hat.

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