(619) 934-5218 • sales@theelator.com
We are open Monday thru Friday
9:00am-5:00pm PST
The Elator is not only the leading manufacturer of natural erectile dysfunction devices, we are also consumers. Nothing frustrates our team more than trying to call for advice or place an order. The typical scenario is that you call a number and you are dumped into this mile-long automated phone system. After pressing a dozen buttons you are put on hold. When someone finally answers they realize they can't help you are transferred to another level of support. After 20 minutes on the phone, you are totally frustrated and vow to never call again.
You will be pleased to know that's not us! At The Elator we encourage you to pick up the phone, dial our number, press an extension and we will help you immediately. It doesn’t matter what our role, we will take your call and answer your questions...and yes, even our CEO looks forward to talking with you. As an alternative to phone assistance, we offer excellent support via email.

Mark Schneider
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Mark Schneider is one of the co-founders of The Elator in 2008. Mark was not only instrumental as the driving force to the growth of the company but also instrumental in the development of all the video's, brochures, manuals and promotional materials. Mark is passionate about natural health and providing an all natural ED device for those couples who have tried other products and found them to be risky or ineffective.
As CEO, Mark is leading The Elator transformation to become a world class Erectile Dysfunction solution company. Mark is very comfortable talking about sexuality and positive effects of staying sexual even in our later years. Mark has been interviewed by various TV and Radio stations including Playboy Radio and HBO. Mark is happy to answer any questions you may have... feel free to call him anytime.
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Calvin Stone
Customer Service Representative
Calvin has been with The Elator since its inception. Calvin has proven to be not only an excellent customer service representative but also a passionate spokesperson for health, happiness and the importance of intimacy among couples.
Not a week goes by that we don't receive 2-3 compliments from our customers regarding Calvin’s superb customer service. Calvin is always happy to assist customers with measuring advice, provide them all the answers they require and follow up with excellent service regarding shipment status and delivery times.

Lisa Schneider
Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Lisa Schneider is one of the co-founders of The Elator in 2008.
Lisa has over a decade of sales leadership experience in managing sales channels and niche product sales in various industries. Lisa is instrumental to the success of The Elator's global sales, including strategic sales, direct sales, and channel sales. She has a contagious positive spirit with extensive knowledge, experience, & relentless determination in building trusting business relationships. Lisa holds a Bachelor in Business Communication from California State Fullerton.
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Teresa Jenkins
Executive Assistant
Teresa Jenkins is Videotel’s "right hand" as it pertains to all facets of administrative support related to sales, marketing, and customer service. Teresa joined The Elator in January of 2017 and was appointed as the Account Manager and Administrative Assistant to our CEO and VP of Sales and Marketing. Teresa serves as the positive forefront of Elator's sales and marketing support teams. Teresa is contributory across all aspects of Elator's business. She is a fundamental part of our overall culture and at the center of assisting in Elator's marketing strategy.
Teresa holds a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts from Christopher Newport University

Aaron Morgan
Shipping Manager
Aaron Morgan joined the Elator in 2009. Aaron is The Elator's key resource to ensuring our customer's shipment of goods are spot on 100%. This means that orders are shipped without errors and packages are delivered in perfect condition with each and every delivery. This is why Aaron is was appointed for the day to day operations of our shipping and receiving departments including packaging, freight schedules, and deliveries. Aaron oversees communication with trucking and other shipping companies for efficient and timely pickups/deliveries. Aaron is critical to the success to ensure that accurate inventory cycles counts are maintained and that our customer's needs are met. Aaron is exceptional at being at the forefront of our productive shipping department.
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Frank Vasquez
Frank Vasquez joined The Elator in July 2017. He has a Masters degree in Accounting degree from Nova Southeastern University. Frank has held management positions for nearly 20 years in several industries such as Restaurant, Retail, and Property Management. Frank brings with him the acquired experience and skills set in Accounting, Human Resources, and Office Management. In this role as The Elator's Accountant, Frank is responsible for Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable. He also provides excellent accounting support to our customers, vendors, as well as a variety of services to our overall organization.
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